We all want to feel loved, happy and worth it, sadly that is not how all of us feel.
Find out how high is your self-esteem, can you relate to one of these?
The woman with low self- esteem don’t ask for help and don’t want to be helped,
The woman with low self-esteem don’t know how to take compliments,
The woman with low self-esteem don’t like surprises or gifts, because something inside of her is telling her, that she doesn’t deserve to be loved and spoiled,
The woman with low self-esteem will stay in the wrong relationship, or alone because she doesn’t feel attractive and don’t believe that she can be the perfect much for someone,
The woman with low self-esteem is too scared to say out laud what she really wants,
The woman with low self-esteem is trying to please everyone, sacrifice and give up on her plans and wishes,
The woman with low self-esteem don’t appreciate what she have and what she can do,
The woman with low self-esteem is comparing herself with other women and see everyone like a competition,
What can we do to boost our self-esteem?
1.You are enough! Stop yourself every time you think that you are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough.
2.Choose love, we can’t control who is going to love us, but we can control how much we love our-self’s
3.Learn your worth, stop yourself every time you think that no one needs you, I am useless, I can’t do it.. To help yourself -help someone, think of someone you can help.
4.Think of someone who is looking up to you, and act like they are always watching.
5.Find your talent, I am sure you have some special skills, take it to a new level and show it of, if you can bake, dance, cook, paint, do make up, do styling, be a good listener, friend or sister be proud of it! Make a list of thinks you can do and pick one you are ready to take to another level.
5.There is not perfection and you are not broken if you are not perfect. By proud of who you are, the journey you have been on and how far you have come.
6.Love is everywhere, the most important thing is to make the first step, talk to people, be the one who say something, the one who has got idea, the one who has time for others, the one who come across warm and friendly, be the one is center of attention.
7.Don’t be afraid to make a mistake, as long as you learn form them. Don’t learn mistakes to shake you confidence, everyone who is trying will make mistakes.
Confidence is the feeling inside of you telling you I can do it, I can have it, I am looking good, I am proud. You can’t hide luck of confidence, it will always come-across. The good news is that you can work on your confidence and change the way you takling to yourself. Good luck on your journey, let me know if you need help. zuzana@mallorcafitnessholiday.co.uk
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