My name is Zuzana Kubisova and I’m fitness expert, personal trainer, coach.. I was on long journey before I could feel like the fit girl and love my body. Growing up in Slovakia, around tall and slim girls looking like models, wasn’t the best for my confidence. I was short muscular, curvy ( that was before Kardashians, before the curves where trendy. So I was trying to be loud and funny to cover up my insecurity. I am nearly 40 and I love getting older and fitter! I am the fittest, I have ever been, so I am not scared of ageing! I was always active and loved trying new sports and… Read More
Continue ReadingSummer recipes form Mallorca fitness holiday
Make these recipes to-go and enjoy them in the gorgeous outdoors this summer 1.RECIPE Cauliflower and Broccoli Balls INGREDIENTS 1 small cauliflower 1 small broccoli 1 egg Cooked chickpeas, mashed Salt and pepper Chilli powder or sauce, optional Homemade tomato sauce for dipping DIRECTIONS Cook the vegetables until soft, then purée. Combine with the other ingredients, using the chickpeas to bind. Roll into balls and chill for a few hours. Bake at 350F/180C for 15 to 20 minutes. Make tomato sauce by lightly frying 1 onion, 1 large clove garlic and 4 to 6 very ripe, skinned tomatoes . Simmer for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn it. Purée… Read More
Continue ReadingFood addiction
Food is one of the basic needs of a living organism. People however, sometimes become addicted to comfort eating, so what is behind this addiction? Regular over-eating basically as addictive as gambling, alcoholism, smoking, and other types of addictive behavior. But food, unlike drugs, alcohol, gambling, and everything else, is more available and much more socially acceptable. Human with a hamburger or a cheese will not concern anyone. During the intake of food, the human organism launches hormones (dopamine) responsible for feelings of joy and satisfaction, it makes you feel calm and safe. Food is a friend! Food most often has a substitute role, replaces something, fills some empty space,… Read More
Continue ReadingHow to overcome the fear of judgement
Research has found that fear of judgement tops the list of reasons why women with low self esteem don’t exercise, even though this group of people would benefit from it and enjoy it the most. Aggressive, outdated marketing and the pressure to look a certain way is off-putting, so no wonder so many of us are intimidated when it comes to going to the gym or joining a fitness camp. Yet joining a group of women in a fitness camp can be a fantastic experience; it will boost your confidence and you will find comfort in the camp, once you do go. You will love feeling art of a group… Read More
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