Research has found that fear of judgement tops the list of reasons why women with low self esteem don’t exercise, even though this group of people would benefit from it and enjoy it the most.

Aggressive, outdated marketing and the pressure to look a certain way is off-putting, so no wonder so many of us are intimidated when it comes to going to the gym or joining a fitness camp. Yet joining a group of women in a fitness camp can be a fantastic experience; it will boost your confidence and you will find comfort in the camp, once you do go. You will love feeling art of a group of women who empower each other. You will be inspired by the stories,the experiences and the things you will learn. It feels good to cheer on the people around you as they run their first mile, or share the triumphs of the ones who overcome injuries or depression.

It’s just that “getting comfortable” part that can be tricky to navigate. How do other girls do it? How does anyone do it?

If you want to overcome your hesitation and get to the fitness camp, these tips will help you get comfortable with the idea of working out in front of (and perhaps even with) other people.

Pick the camp for your fitness level

If you are looking for a beginners’ camp with a good balance of exercise; particularly if you would like to try different fitness classes, so you can find out which one suits you the most; if you would like to fit in with like-minded people who are looking to find out the best way to become healthier, fitter and injury free; if you want to be with women who are not in competition with each other, but instead want to be with women who support each other. If this sounds like you, then Stayfit- breakfree is definitely the one for you!

Have a goal before you go –

What would you like to achieve? Why do you need to be fitter? How would it feel to be slimmer and more toned? Would you like to feel more energised, confident and positive? Keep your goals in your mind and you will fly through the week and it will be a positive experience. I hope this gives you the motivation to join a fitness holiday. Maybe it will be sunny Mallorca and Stayfit – breakfree, or maybe it will be another camp, or retreat?
So keep ball rolling, keep the vibes positive and the results will come. But it starts at mindset!

Have a great day,


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