Let me give you money saving advice before you buy a new weight loss book or dvd this Christmas.

Can you own 100 weight loss books and still struggle to reach healthy weight? Lots of people are well educated about nutrition and already spent lots of money on weight loss  and nothing is happening. 

The most important book for your weight loss is your own journal – your weight loss plan!

Knowing is important but DOING  is the most important when it comes to losing weight !

Planning ahead is the way to go and succeeded. Actively  writing it down just make it even more real.

Booking few hours of exercise for yourself in your busy week is the best way how not to let your job and other things to come before you.

The best time is Sunday, me and my clients will check plan for the week. Food plan, exercise plan, shopping list and cheat meal or rest days. So you have things to look forward to.

Fitness plan:

Get in shape with plan, which features two muscle-toning routine, plus metabolism-boosting cardio sessions, that become more challenging each week.

Week 1

Mon: Program A (upper body resistance training)

Tues: Cardio (run-walk)

Wed: Program B (core workout)

Thur: Cardio (Zumba)

Fri: Program C (Pilates)

Sat:    Free choice active day, cycling, walking,

Sun: Off

Here’s a look at my meal plan for the week…..

Breakfast- Eggs with avocado, fish and tomato; Spinach eggs with smoked salmon; or Greek yogurt with almonds

Lunch- Vegetable soup; Chef salad; or Grilled salmon citrus salad

Snack- Hummus and veggies; Greek yogurt with pecans; or almond butter stuffed celery stalks

Dinner- Greek salad; Vegetable  Burgers with roasted Brussels sprouts and carrots; or Rosemary citrus fish with spinach salad

Once I have my meal plan ready (including eating out or eating with friends) I can write down my shopping list for the week.

Life is not perfect and we cant always plan everything, but if you can stick to the plan 80% of the the time, you will see the results and your journal will be the most precious book you own.

I do read books about nutrition so and it is helpful and motivational to know what is junk food doing to your body. So please read and be interested, what I am trying to say is that planing, and doing is the key. So if you would like me to check you meal plan or exercise plan. Please send it to me. I would love to help to stay fit and break free.

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