Why Your Comfort Zone Is the Most Dangerous Place

Typically we hear the phrase “step outside of your comfort zone,” which I believe is certainly an important move in the right direction. But I’m talking about putting more than just your right foot out. You have to pack up your bags and try something new, scary and exciting. ( rock claiming, horse riding, jet skiing, diving. snowboarding, crazy dance or ballet)

The problem with comfort zones is that we often can’t tell when we’ve been sucked into them. From the safety of our comfort zones we get complacent. We fall into our work-gym-(TV)-sleep routines and forget to live outwardly from our hideaways, ultimately sacrificing the ability to impact our world. If you want to feel better and look better, you need to change something, doing the same thing will give you the same results.
In our adult lives, we have, on average, 22,000 days to live and discover the world.  Do you really want to waste one of those days, weeks or months doing the exact same thing as yesterday?
I would like to encourage you to have more fun and do something scary next year, maybe 10 km run or 60 mile charity bike ride.
I am planing to add more options for extra cost on my fitness weeks in Mallorca. So once you are here you can chose to do paragliding, water skiing, snorkeling pad-boarding, rock climbing or flamingo dancing.

Next year is going to be even more fun!

Spring Early Birds

The early bird offers on our two fabulous  Fitness events in spring 2017 are due to finish at the end of the year.

21- 28 January 2017

18 –  25 February 2017

04 –  11 March 2017

01-  08 April  2017
For the next 2 months here is a £40.00 per person discount on both events making them even better value than ever.

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