Empowering women, helping each other, is a key to building a future we want.


Perhaps you danced as a child and have always had a lingering desire to take it up again as an adult…perhaps you are simply looking for a fun ‘healthy holiday’…or then again perhaps you have reached ‘a certain age’ and yet still have a burning and unfulfilled childhood dream….now is the time to let your inhibitions be blown away by the sea breeze and belly dance whit us!

Belly dancing

Belly dancing classes can be beneficial in many ways. Many people find toning their abdominal area to be quite troublesome. Belly dancing can be a good way to strengthen and slim stomach muscles. Socially, belly dancing classes may work well for some people, as typically the mood is fun and lighthearted. Learning belly dancing and appearing in group performances wearing exotic costumes can also be a fun experience.

All standards and ages welcome, it doesn’t matter if you have never danced before.

Life is too short and we don’t have enough fun factor in it.  Stress is making us ill and obese. We have  an organised week of fun and activity in sunny Mallorca for a mood rising and stomach shrinking holiday.

Each day we begin with yoga, followed by a healthy breakfast on the terrace. The balanced diet may sound rather terrifying but it is delicious, ideal for increased energy levels – and decreased weight levels. After breakfast comes the belly dance workout. Flowed by lunch and siesta and Fun Dancing afternoon of – barre dance, burlesque, belly dancing, and yoga.

Barre fitness involves simple body-weight exercises such as press-ups and sit-ups as well as ballet moves.

Whether it is the excellent diet combined with fun exercise, or simply the sunshine and peace, you will be surrounded with positive energy. As the week goes on, you will notice your mood rising and stomach shrinking.  At the end of the week you will be “literally glowing”, look leaner, younger and happier!